Please contact Georgetown Chimney Sweep if you have any questions about our services or any of our listed on-products. Our customer service representatives will be happy to provide information on pricing, as well as product details.
We always respond to customer e-mails within a day of receiving them, but have found that some e-mail servers assume our e-mails are spam and either refuse or delete them. When e-mailing Georgetown Chimney Sweep please include a phone number where we may reach you, so we have a way of contacting you if our e-mail reply bounces back. If you have e-mailed us, and have not heard back within 3 days, please give us a call to make sure your e-mail was received. You may also type your questions into the form provided below.
Georgetown:... (978) 352-2222
We always respond to customer e-mails within a day of receiving them, but have found that some e-mail servers assume our e-mails are spam and either refuse or delete them. When e-mailing Georgetown Chimney Sweep please include a phone number where we may reach you, so we have a way of contacting you if our e-mail reply bounces back. If you have e-mailed us, and have not heard back within 3 days, please give us a call to make sure your e-mail was received. You may also type your questions into the form provided below.
Georgetown:... (978) 352-2222